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5 tips for spring planting season

eKonomics News Team

Dr. Robert Mullen, eKonomics contributor, has prepared several tips to aid farmers in taking advantage of every potential opportunity to maximize their yield.

  • Don’t underestimate the value of starter fertilizer, especially in northern areas of the Corn Belt and in conservation tillage systems. Starter fertilizers help the crop get off to a fast start and reduce the risk associated with a short growing season.
  • Position yourself for success by implementing an effective fertility program regardless of planting date. Properly fertilize your crop initially and reap the benefits throughout the growing season, as the proper balance of nutrients will improve the potential for a healthy, profitable yield.
  • Don’t rush to plant in fields that aren’t ready. Although it is tempting to get seeds in the ground early, it is important to remember that planting in unsuitable conditions can lead to problems in a crop’s growth cycle, such as poor root development, which will ultimately decrease your yield.
  • Do not necessarily alter seeding rate. Data suggests that sticking with what you have previously planned is the best approach, but using a slightly lower seeding rate is acceptable if adjustments must be made, especially when soil temperatures have increased.
  • It is not necessary to change hybrid maturity or soybean variety to a shorter season option. This should only be considered at higher latitudes, or if the planting date is extremely late.